Mathematics A Level

Course ID
Design Technology: Product Design
A Level

Mathematics is one of the most flexible and useful A Level subjects, valued for the academic acumen that success at A Level highlights for your post-18 study applications and for future career aspirations. The course components of Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics complement a wide range of other subject studies.

You will be using the excellent first-principle understanding that has been a bedrock of your prior learning with us, and exploring how the consistent approaches that you have been taught work with the same efficacy with more advanced topics. Through our A Level teaching and learning environment, you will be empowered with concrete understanding of symbolic form, powerful reasoning and cognitive skills and an excellent platform to potentially pursue further mathematical studies in the future.

How is the course assessed?

The full A Level course is assessed at the end of the two-year course with three 120-minute papers; Paper 1 comprises Pure Mathematics, Paper 2 comprises Pure Mathematics, and Paper 3 comprises Mechanics and Statistics.

Useful Attributes

Your GCSE attainment should be at least Grade 6 to ensure the secure knowledge and understanding that the A Level content requires. You will have good reasoning skills and enjoy problem-solving. It is not a requirement to have studied the Level 2 Certificate in Further Maths, albeit some of the calculus taught as part of that course will be revisited in the early stages of sixth form. You will understand the importance of practice through independent study.

Personal Development

Studying Mathematics at A Level enhances and expands your life choices in the future; the cross-curricular nature of the content complements a wide variety of studies including Design Technology, the Sciences, Business Studies, Psychology and Sociology, while your academic acumen is evidenced by the reputation of the subject. You will be able to model real-life scenarios and use mathematical argument to form generalisations and proof, develop your ability to use Mathematics as an effective means of communication, and foster the study and reasoning skills that will prove invaluable to post-18 study and professional qualification routes.

Future Directions

As well as a wide range of degree courses, Mathematics can typically lead you towards a career in accounting, medicine, engineering, forensic pathology, finance, business, consultancy, teaching, IT, games development, scientific research, programming, the civil service, design, construction and astrophysics to name a few. Specific job roles include actuary, business analyst, software engineer, technology analyst, information engineer, speech technology researcher, and maths teacher. On average, those with a maths A Level earn 11% more over their lifetime than those without; tempted?.

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