
Address by Steve Meiklejohn, Chair of the Board of Governors

My name is Steven Meiklejohn and I am a lawyer. More importantly today though, I am a Governor of De la Salle College. I address you also as a former student of the school and with links to the school through my three sons, Sam, Alex and Iain. As you can see the school has been a very important part of my life, and even though my children have now left, I remain close to the school because of my role as a Governor.

The teaching of St John Baptiste De La Salle himself; to act justly and do the right thing; to help others and to walk humbly with God, lie at the heart of what this school, De la Salle College, stands for, and therefore what we as members of De La Salle’s community all stand for.

I know as a previous pupil, and as a father of boys who have been educated here, that the school has always stated: “We are interested in more than success that can be measured through certificates and trophies. A Lasallian education provides our boys with the moral principles and the generosity of spirit that guides and supports them through life in a world filled with moral uncertainty.”

Acting justly, treating everyone with equal respect and courtesy, and living humbly are the tenets upon which we thrive at our wonderful school. My hope for our boys is that as they go through the school they will appreciate these principles, and will try to apply them in their lives.

Board of Governors

Chair: Advocate Steven MeikleJohn

Vice Chair: Mr Michael Cutland


Mrs Kim Hewlett

Mr Nigel Sweeny

Mr Greg Zambon

Mrs Lisa Payn

Mr Tony Dubras

Mr David Cahill

Deacon Nicholas Le Cornu

Mrs Tracey Townsend

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