Extra Curricular

Extra Curricular Activities

We have a wide variety of extra-curricular activities on offer, both enrichment and academic based, and we’re always looking to expand our offering.

Below you can find information on each available activity, and download the timetables for 2024-25 Advent (Autumn) Term.

Enrichment Extra Curricular

Cooking Club

Cooking Club will develop skills and knowledge in how to work safely and effectively within a kitchen environment. Every week staff will teach students the correct skills to prepare and cook a range of dishes that students can share communally at the end of each session and also take home to share with their families.

DLS Concert Band

The concert band is open to all students who are already learning a brass or woodwind instrument. It is an opportunity for students to hone their music reading and ensemble skills; performing a wide repertoire of film, pop and classical music with plenty of performance opportunities both in and outside of the college. 

DLS Rocks - Guitar/Ukulele/Keyboard Club

An opportunity for students to develop their skills playing in a band and with other musicians, performing a wide range of pop/rock repertoire. There are also opportunities for the boys to try out different instruments, whether that be the guitar, bass, drums, voice or keyboards. The club is open to all students in the secondary school and to those of all playing abilities including beginners. 

DLS Vox (Choir)

The concert band is open to all students who are already learning a brass or woodwind instrument. It is an opportunity for students to hone their music reading and ensemble skills; performing a wide repertoire of film, pop and classical music with plenty of performance opportunities both in and outside of the college. 

Elevate After School Club (Christian Youth Group)

Held weekly on Wednesdays after school in our new Cedar room, running until 16:30 for all age groups.  Come and have a slice of Pizza, play XBOX or table tennis with our Chaplaincy team and talk about God, Faith or any of the big questions in life.

Fusion 360 (F1 in Schools Challenge)

Fusion 360 in schools is an international competition that allows students to form their own Mini Formula 1 racing team and compete against other teams around the world. Students will need to engineer their racing car and practise their reaction times so that they can record the fastest time. They will also need to design their team logo and uniforms as well as try to gain sponsorship for their teams. It is a great opportunity to take a peek at the world of Racing and engineering and is open to students in Year 7, 8 and 9 to form a team. The club is on a Tuesday evening after school from 15:35 to 16:35. 

Holy Hour

Held Weekly before school on a wednesday. A time for all students and staff to pray before the blessed sacrament.

Impact Club

Our faith lunchtime club held in the newly refurbished Cedar Room. Open to all year groups. Have lunch with our Chaplaincy team in relaxed informal environment. Talk about God and faith and maybe have a game of table football. 

Junior Debate Society

The Junior Debate Society will be meeting every Tuesday lunchtime in Jubilee 5 for the remainder of the summer term. This is a student led society. The students will come up with the topic for debate, advertise the society and record the minutes of the debates. Mr McLarnon will be supervising sessions, advising students on how to write debate speeches as well as educating them on the debating procedures. The students will then have the opportunity to compete in debates in front of their peers every other Friday lunchtime on topics ranging from, “Should football remove VAR?”, “Should social media have age restrictions?” “Money is ruining sport” and “The voting age should be lowered to 12.” Students will choose in our Tuesday sessions what they would like to debate. The Junior Debating Society is the stepping stone to the Senior Debating Society for years 10-13 and is a way for you to compete against your friends and boys from across the junior school all whilst honing the skill of public speaking.

Junior Drama Club

Love Drama and want to do more? We welcome you to Drama Club! In these sessions, you will focus on sharpening up acting skills, work with a variety of scripts and even produce your very own plays. You will also enjoy taking part in plenty of Drama games and have the opportunity to lead your own Drama game or warm up. Performance work completed in Drama Club is often featured in school events and is a great way to build your confidence in public speaking and performing in front of an audience. Open to students in Years 7 and 8.

Street Art Club

Street Art Club is held after school every Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm. The students are taught by Vince Talcone, a renowned Graffiti/street artist and Mr Pallot about the art form and the techniques used to create the work. They learn how to sketch their ideas and scale them up on to the walls of our “street art space”. Spray cans are safely used and the students are provided with protective clothing. The “DLS street crew” will be actively involved on projects in school and out in the coming year, so we hope to see more students coming along to give it a go. This exciting new initiative has seen some students using spray painting in their own work and also an increase in the numbers of students taking Art at GCSE.

Senior Debate Society

The Senior Debate Society is a student led society for years 10-13. The students will come up with the topic for debate, advertise the society and record the minutes of the debates. Mr McLarnon will be supervising sessions, advising students on how to write debate speeches as well as educating them on the debating procedures. The students will then have the opportunity to compete in debates in front of their peers every other Friday lunchtime on topics ranging from, “This house believes NATO should involve itself in the Ukraine war”, “Should society remain predominantly capitalist?” and “This house believes the Iraq War was justified?” Students will choose in our Monday sessions what they would like to debate. The Senior Debating Society is a way for you to compete against your friends and boys from across the school all whilst honing the skill of public speaking.

UKMT Maths challenge

UK Maths Challenge encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency to make students think. There are maths competitions, challenges and enrichment opportunities for students, the problems on the Junior Maths Challenge are accessible yet still challenge those with more experience.

Academic Extra Curricular

  • A-Level Chemistry Revision SessionsSixth Form
  • A-Level Further Maths SessionsSixth Form
  • Art ClubAll years
  • AS/A Level Maths SupportSixth Form
  • DT ClubAll years
  • French Higher Sessions - Booking OnlyYear 11
  • French Intervention SessionsYears 9-11
  • GCSE Art ClubYears 9-11
  • GCSE Drama Drop InYears 9-11
  • GCSE DT ClubYears 9-11
  • GCSE Geography ClubYears 9-11
  • GCSE Music NEA SupportYears 9-11
  • Maths ClubKey Stage 3
  • Religious Studies ClubAll years
  • Spanish Support Sessions - Booking OnlyYear 10

Extra Curricular Opportunities

Alongside our weekly clubs and activities, Students at De La Salle enjoy a number of extra-curricular opportunities to broaden experience and develop life skills, including;

  • A Gifted and Talented programme designed to ensure students can excel academically and enjoy opportunities to develop soft skills
  • Drama and involvement in school productions
  • Music, including teaching from peripatetic staff and a wide range of performance opportunities
  • Leadership opportunities as part of the Sixth Form Leadership Team
  • World Challenge
  • Young Enterprise
  • Language trips to Spain and France
  • Preparation for Higher Education including Russell Group University application
  • Participation in Youth Conferences
  • Work Shadowing and mentoring from Leaders in Business

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