Here is a space for parents to readily access all the key information you might need.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Please email
Sometimes exceptional circumstances such as illness can lead to absence. Please notify the college as soon as possible, either by emailing , phoning 754100 or using our online form.
For any planned absence (such as a doctor or dentist appointment), please complete the online form or email in advance of the appointment so that the absence can be noted and authorised. Written confirmation of authorisation will be provided to you.
Please remember to always sign out before leaving the school premises during the school day and to sign back in on your return.
Leave of absence during term-time is disruptive to your education and can only be authorised in advance by the Head of College. We realise that family circumstances sometimes make it unavoidable. If this is the case please submit your request to the above email address. It is advised that this is done prior to making any booking in case the request cannot be authorised. As part of our duty of care and statutory obligations as an educational institution, we emphasise the importance of school attendance and minimising absence from school.
In the event your son becomes unwell at school and needs to go home, he should find the nearest teacher to inform them he has to go to sick bay. He should then go directly to sick bay and inform the admin team that he is unwell.
The admin team will assist him and contact you, when necessary, to collect your son.
Students should not contact parents in advance of going to the sick bay.
If you need to take regular medication or use an inhaler, your parents must inform the Head of House in writing. The medicine can be kept in the School Office provided the following procedure is followed:
It is very important that any information held on file for your son is current so please ensure that you inform us of any changes e.g. to contact details, home address, medical information etc.
Please email to make us aware of any changes.
If your son will be temporarily living at a different address to the one held on file it is important to let the College know and to also advise of new temporary contact details. We need to be able to get hold of a relevant adult should we need to, for example if your son becomes unwell at school.
Please contact to advise us of any temporary arrangements.
Below is a list of our uniform suppliers:
Mobile telephones are allowed on the school site but they should remain switched off at all times. If this is not the case and your phone is seen or heard, it will be confiscated for the day. If this happens on a regular basis, then it will be confiscated and your parents will have to come into school to collect the phone. For any emergency phone calls that you need to make during the day, there is a phone you are permitted to use in the School Office. Mobile phones and all other electronic devices, such as iPads, should be switched off when on the school site unless under the direct supervision of a member of staff. Further information on E-Safety, Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices and our E-Safety Acceptable User Policy.
Boys cycling to school must have passed the Cycling Proficiency Test. The cycles must meet all requirements of the law. All boys cycling to and from school must wear a safety helmet.
There are designated bicycle storage areas for each year. You are expected to lock your bicycle.
The school cannot take responsibility for any bicycle that is brought onto the school premises.
A bus service is provided to and from the various parishes and all bus routes for De La Salle can be located on the website. There are 9 buses that leave directly from Wellington Road. If you are using the school bus you must make sure you leave your House base promptly after dismissal. From there you will need to go to the gymnasium to queue up and wait until your bus is called. You must not go straight down Wellington Hill for the bus. A senior member of staff will be on duty supervising.
Please ensure the highest standards of behaviour on the buses and in any public forum. If there are reports of poor behavioural choices, you may not be allowed to use the school buses.
We work better together.