Photography A Level

Course ID
Photography A Level
A Level

A Level Photography will allow you to expand your creative horizons, while teaching you how to contextualise your work and developing your understanding of the creative process used in a wide variety of industries. You will explore various genres including portraiture, landscape photography, commercial photography, still life photography, documentary photography, experimental imagery, editorial photography, photographic installation, and animation.

Studying photography provides you with an opportunity to learn a new language and expand your visual vocabulary.

How is the course assessed?

In Year 12, the course comprises two major units; Unit 1 involves a Major Portfolio of edited photographs and analysis and critique of a variety of work by famous photographers; and Unit 2 involves a Controlled Assessment of sixteen weeks duration which follows a similar format to the first unit but restricts time of the final piece to 10 hours. The first unit is assessed internally and the second is examined externally.

The full A Level course requires two further units; Unit 3 involves a major Personal Investigation showcasing your technical camera skills, ability to edit and present images, and originality and maturity as a photographer; and Unit 4 involves a Controlled Test with 12 weeks of preparatory time and a 15-hour final assessment. Both of these units are examined externally.

Useful Attributes

You do not need any prior knowledge of this subject and, while the course will build on the knowledge, understanding and skills specified in the GCSE Art and Design course, you do not need to have studied Art. You will need an interest in creativity and the manner in which the course is assessed requires that you be both organised and proactive. Good literacy skills are important as Photography also involves studying and writing about a variety of genres and photographers.

Personal Development

You will become technically competent both in terms of using a camera and editing images. You will also develop a broad knowledge of and appreciation for a broad range of photographic styles and leading photographers, developing your ability to critique and to incorporate skills and ideas into your own work. You will attend talks with acclaimed photographers, visit exhibitions and develop your cultural knowledge and photographic skills.

Future Directions

Whether you are considering a future career as a professional photographer or teacher of photography, or you wish to further explore photography as part of a personal interest or hobby or to develop your wider artistic knowledge and skills, this course will provide you with excellent experience of visual media. A Level Photography showcases both creative and literary skills, and post-18 studies and careers are wide ranging; past pupils are enjoying careers working in a wide variety of areas including movie special effects, underwater photography, and graphic design.

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