Psychology A Level

Course ID
Psychology A Level
A Level

Psychology is the study of human behaviour and experience. Your research as a student will seek to understand and explain thought, emotion and behaviour. The course covers an extensive range of theories and research methods and this is a highly theoretical and scientific discipline which carries a significant amount of kudos in the world of academia.

You will encounter a wealth of interesting topics including, ‘workings of the brain’, ‘memory’, ‘group behaviour’, ‘child development’, and ‘psychological disorders’; your studies will range from the ‘hard science’ of neuropsychology to the complex interpersonal skills of the counselling psychologist. This A Level qualification provides an exciting new avenue of study that showcases both your literary and scientific study skills.

How is the course assessed?

In Year 12, the course covers two modules of study; ‘Research Methods’ which will focus on four main techniques for collecting and analysing data; and ‘Psychological Themes Through Core Studies’ which explores key themes including cognitive psychology, memory, developmental psychology, brain plasticity and many more.

The full A Level course also introduces a third module; ‘Applied Psychology’ which covers issues in mental health, criminal psychology and sports & exercise psychology. The assessments at the end of Year 13 will involve three 120-minute examinations for each of the modules, with ‘Psychological Themes’ and ‘Applied Psychology’ each accounting for 35% of the final grade.

Useful Attributes

This subject offers an opportunity to study something new and exciting following your GCSE studies. Its scientific focus will put your research and analytical skills to work and reasonable attainment in the Science disciplines, including good statistical understanding from your Maths course, is important. You will also be producing essays and using your critical writing skills to evaluate and produce balanced and reasoned arguments. You should be a deep thinker and an individual who is keen to read widely around the subject.

Personal Development

The Psychology course is valued as being a rigorously academic course embracing and developing a wide range of useful skills. You will develop your ability to absorb a wide range of content, including studies and theories from renowned psychologists, and to make your own judgements based on a balanced overview of the evidence collated. Your focus throughout the course will be to learn about how and why we behave in the way we do, and the empathetic and analytical skills of an A Level psychologist will prove useful to a number of career paths and post-18 study routes.

Future Directions

Psychology at university is incredibly popular and can lead to careers in most areas thanks to the transferable skills this discipline offers. Whether you are interested in pursuing a career in education, marketing and advertising, medicine, criminology, law, sport coaching and development or human resources (to name but a few) your A Level in Psychology will provide an excellent springboard into appropriate degree courses or apprenticeships.

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